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Man’s Best Friend or Worst Nightmare?

Man’s Best Friend or Worst Nightmare?

Darla Napora was a passionate member of the Bay Area Dog Lovers Responsible about Pit Bulls Organization—a group committed to educating people as to the loving nature of Pit Bulls. 
In an ironic and disturbing twist of fate, the subject of Napora’s efforts ended her life and the life of her unborn child.
The catastrophe occurred earlier this week, when Darla’s husband, Greg, left the couple’s Pacifica home for work. Like every other morning, Greg left his pregnant wife alone with their two Pit Bulls, Gunner and Tanzi. 
But when Greg returned home, he found his wife covered in blood with Gunner hovering over her. Greg immediately called an ambulance and let the dogs outside. Unfortunately for Greg it was too late to save his wife—Darla died at the scene. 
While emergency correspondents feverishly worked to revive Darla, Gunner escaped from the couple’s backyard. The dog, which was bloodied and frantic, was eventually gunned-down by police who were ordered to kill the dog.
Even after the vicious attack, Greg holds his loving disposition towards the aggressive breed of canine—he has forgiven the dogs and is now struggling to cope with the death of his wife and baby-to-be. 

A Selfless Suicide

A Selfless Suicide

West Bengal, India—A 12-year-old girl in West Bengal committed suicide last week so that her ailing father and brother could use her organs to combat their grave illnesses. 

Mumpy Sarkar, the selfless young girl from Jhorpara village, ended her life to save her inflicted family members. Unfortunately, in a sick twist of events, Mumpy’s suicide note, which expressed the purpose of the suicide and her wishes of organ donation, was never read—Mumpy’s body was cremated following her suicide, evaporating her organs and the chance of saving her ill family members. 

Mumpy Sarkar grew-up poor; she spent her nights listening to her parents discuss how only a kidney transplant could save her brother’s life and eye surgery her father’s vision. 

The cost of the medical procedures far exceeded the family’s income and savings. In response to such tragedy, Murphy envisioned suicide as the only means to save her loved one’s from suffering. 

She followed through with her ultimate plan, but following a traditional cremation, Mumpy’s father found the suicide note on the child’s bed. It was simply too late. 

The young girl requested that her kidneys and eyes be sued for the treatment of her brother and father. 

In response to this unspeakable tragedy, the local state council has pledged to pay for the family’s medical needs. 

The Story of 700 Cats

The Story of 700 Cats

A Florida couple has been charged with 47 counts of animal cruelty after law enforcement agents seized approximately 700 cats from their Haven Acres Cat Sanctuary in June.
The “sanctuary” was busted after the county had warned Steven and Pennie Lefkowitz that they were only allowed to house 100 cats. 
The Humane Society referred to the effort as the “biggest case of cat hoarding,” the group had ever seen. Agents described the scene as disturbing; officers said that the cats “stretched as far as the eye could see.”
As a result of the couple’s insane hoarding and limited resources, a hundred of the cats had to be euthanized due to malnutrition and various infections. The remaining cats are currently in the custody of the University of Florida, where veterinary students are spaying and neutering the seized animals.  The University hopes to hold an adoption drive at the end of the month.
“These people started out well intentioned, but they were in way, way, way over their head,” said State Attorney Bill Cervone. “I am optimistic we will be able to resolve something with them that will addres the mental health issue that I believe they have and prevent a recurrence. 
According to the couple, they started taking in stray cats in bundles as a humanitarian cause. “I was just so tired of seeing so much euthanasia and I wanted to know what we could do personally,” Pennie Lefkowitz said in a prepared statement. 

Sleepwalking Leads to Death?

Sleepwalking Leads to Death?

On Wednesday morning, Catherine Kelly, a woman from Conshohocken,
Pennsylvania was found dead in the Schuylkill River. The case, which is
currently being investigated, is enshrouded in mystery—Kelly’s body did not
possess any physical signs of damage or struggle.

Local authorities in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania are
currently investigating the possibility that Catherine Kelly’s death was
precipitated by a bizarre sleep-walking incident.

Kelly, aged 72, died from drowning, the town’s Coroner,
Walter Hofman, ruled Thursday morning. Hofman has termed the ruling provisional
until the local police complete their investigation.

Sleepwalking has been regarded as the likely grounds for the
cause of death; family members affirmed that Kelly suffered from narcolepsy,
which causes excessive sleepiness and daytime sleep attacks.

Kelly, who was a devout Catholic had initially frightened her
family when she failed to appear for morning mass on Wednesday at St.
Matthews Church. Her family reported her missing; hours later boaters found a
woman’s body floating in the river.

Kelly’s family found the front door of her home ajar, with
her pocketbook and keys inside. A woman who had been known to lock her door and
take her pocketbook wherever she went, Kelly also left her glasses behind—something
the 72-year-old never did.

Kelly had been on medication to combat her narcolepsy; a
number of family members echoed their concerns regarding Kelly’s medication and
the susceptibility to severe side effects.

How Kelly ended up in the river is unclear, but family
members and the woman’s pastor stated her inability to swim. The community is
devastated over the incident; Kelly was a devout Catholic and a leading member
of the church. 

Terminated Service: Girl Kills Sister Over Cell Phone

Terminated Service: Girl Kills Sister Over Cell Phone

To your average teenage girl, a cell phone is important as anything in life. To 17-year-old Elena Rendell, a mobile device is literally life and death. 
Elena was at her home in Ferry Pass, Florida, in the midst of a heated argument with her 14-year-old sister, Christina Marie Sneary. The fight started over cell phone use; details are sketchy, but apparently Elena was furious she couldn’t freely use the telephonic instrument. 
Instead of pulling hair or insulting each other’s looks, as traditional sisters would do, Elena decided to grab her father’s 9mm handgun and murder her younger sister.
Elena fired one bullet into her sister’s torso; after the shot, Elena was overcome with confusion and regret—she swiftly ran out of the home screaming “my sister has been shot!” When Elena left, her sister was unconscious, but still breathing.
When police arrived to the scene, Elena was back home, to claim the shooting as accidental. After a brief investigation; however, the cops found criminal intent and charged the teenage girl with aggravated battery.
Elena was lead into juvenile court last week for her first hearing. At this moment, the teenage girl learned that her sister had died. As a result of the death, Elena’s charges have been upgraded to second degree murder—she will be tried as an adult. 

Fat Man Sues White Castle over Small Booths

Fat Man Sues White Castle over Small Booths

Most people would cut back on the burgers and fries when your favorite fast food restaurant no longer provides large enough seats for your portly derriere. Martin Kessman isn’t like most people. The 64-year old, 300-pound White Castle fanatic has launched a campaign against the greasy burger establishment for bigger seats. 
Kessman says that back in 2009 he walked into his local White Castle to enjoy lunch (it is assumed it was Kessman’s 3rd of the day although this report has not been confirmed). After grabbing his order, the obese man posted-up in one of the restaurant’s stationary booths, which he struggled to fit into. Kessman left the restaurant with a noticeable limp after repeatedly banging his knees on the table—downing a crave case, after all, is a physical endeavor. 
Instead of finding the snug booths aspirational, Kessman sent a letter to the corporate offices demanding that the restaurant accommodate their heftier customers. According to the New York Post, White Castle replied with “three very condescending letters,” along with a treasure chest of coupons for free burgers and a promise to expand the seats. 
In response to corporate’s half-hearted attempt to remedy the situation, Kessman has filed a lawsuit in New York City. The claim stems from the fact that White Castle has not altered the booths. The disgruntled burger lover says that the chain’s booths “violate the civil rights of obese people.” 
Although upset and unable to fit into the restaurant’s booths, Kessman’s appetite for White Castle Burgers has not waned—he still orders a Crave Case at least once a week. 

Community Horror: Gunman Kills 8 in Ohio Town

Community Horror: Gunman Kills 8 in Ohio Town

Police are currently investigating four separate crime scenes as part of a bloody rampage that began yesterday morning in Copley Township, a suburb of Akron, Ohio. 
Local officials say the tragedy was sparked by a morning visit from an out-of-town man who first opened fire on his girlfriend inside her home. 
After murdering his girlfriend the man ran to a second home and confronted his girlfriend’s brother. Overcome by a violent rage the man shot the brother and four other witnesses who were in the home.
After gunning down these victims, the man began chasing bystanders through nearby backyards, shooting and killing one. The other potential victims sought refuge in a neighbor’s home; however, the gunmen barreled through the back door and murdered one of the individuals who sought refuge.
By this time, nearby police officers, who had been notified by multiple community members of the carnage, confronted the gunmen. 
The gunmen, who refused to oblige to police requests, was ultimately gunned down by the officers. Police have not officially released the names of the victims, but neighbors say they include a 17-year-old high school student, the girlfriend’s grandparents, her Uncle and an 11-year old boy. 

Caught on Tape: White Teens Murder Black Man

Caught on Tape: White Teens Murder Black Man

Jackson, Mississippi—On a Sunday morning in June, just before dawn, two cars filled with white teenagers set-out for Jackson, Mississippi, on what the district attorney says was a mission to find and severely hurt a black individual.

The teens, who had been coming from an all-night party, eventually found their victim in a parking lot on the western side of town. 

James Anderson, aged 49, was standing in a hotel parking lot when the teens rushed and beat him to near death. Hotel security workers claimed that the boys, while punching and kicking a fallen Anderson, were repeatedly screaming racial epithets, including “White Power!”

Robert Smith, the District Attorney of Hinds County, Mississippi, roughly half the teens then climbed into their large Ford 250 pickup truck, floored the gas, and ran right over Anderson, killing him instantly.  

Mississippi officials are calling this horrible act a racially motivated murder.

What the gang of teens never realized was that a surveillance camera was focused on the parking lot that night and a number of their malicious attacks, including the murder, were captured on videotape.

The group of teens that night was led by 18-year-old Deryl  Dedmon of Brandon, Mississippi. Dedmon is currently regarded as the individual who led and instigated the attack earlier in the evening and the driver of the car that struck and killed Anderson. 

District Attorney Smith, after listening to witness accounts, has reiterated Dedmon’s intentions of seeking out and killing an African-America. “He was not remorseful. He was laughing, laughing about the killing,” said district attorney Smith. 

The teen, just 18 years of age, has been charged with murder and faces a possible double life sentence. A second teen involved, 18-year-old John rice, has been charged with simple assault, for his role in the beating of Anderson. The other teens in the group have not been charged. As for Anderson’s family; they have decided to remain silent for now, as they are trying to come to grips with a brutal crime they thought was in the state’s past. 

Drunken Moose Gets Stuck in Swedish Apple Tree

Drunken Moose Gets Stuck in Swedish Apple Tree

It was a gloomy night; the rains and winds had picked up when Per Johansson returned from work to his home in Saro, Sweden. 
“It was raining really hard. In the wind I heard something screaming with a very dark voice,” said Johansson. “At first I wondered if it was the crazy neighbors, but then I heard it again and went and checked. I saw something really big up in a tree in my neighbors’ yard and it was a moose. It must have been drunk after eating fermented apples and as it was reaching out for more fruit it must have slipped and fallen into the tree.”
In response to the peculiar scene, Johansson immediately contacted the local fire and rescue department, which in turn, responded with a winch, a jeep and a fire engine. 
“We got the alarm at 10:00 p.m. on September 6 that a moose was stuck in a tree,” said Anders Gardhagen, spokesman for the Gothenburg Fire and Rescue Services. “When we arrived we used the winch to bend down the apple tree so the moose could free himself. Once free, the moose collapsed on the ground and fell asleep. We let him sleep it off and went back home” Gardhagen told various news outlets. 
The next morning, the moose awoke and wandered around the neighbor’s yards on shaky legs. The following day, the Moose came back and walked around Johannson’s yard. “I think he likes it here”, said Johannson. 

Haven’t you Herd? Goats Hired to Clean City

Haven't you Herd? Goats Hired to Clean City

Goats will literally work for a meal. 
Not only are goats gluttonous, they are quiet, don’t emit any pollutants and they never take breaks. These traits make goats the perfect species to clean-up a dirty area. 
Roughly 120 goats were hired this past weekend to help clean up and beautify downtown Los Angeles. Overcome with brush and litter, the goats were unleashed in an area near Angels Flight Roadway where they consumed their weight in gold. 
This isn’t the goats’ first time working for the city; goats have long been utilized to clear brush and pluck various forms of trash from roadside areas. 
According to a number of environmental organizations, including the Environmental Land Management Agency, goats are typically employed when terrain is too hilly or steep for humans or too rugged or overrun with vegetation for lawnmowers or other landscaping equipment. 
In addition to these benefits, goats don’t require a salary—a huge plus in a beaten-down economy. Plus, these 4-legged garbage disposals can eat approximately 15-percent of their body weight and inhale food for over 16 hours straight. 

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