Home Inmate Search Arizona Inmate Search

Arizona Inmate Search

Arizona Inmate Search

For an individual looking to find information on a particular Arizona inmate, one of the best places to start looking is at the Arizona Department of Corrections inmate search tool. The Arizona Department of Corrections inmate search tool is located on the Arizona Department of Corrections website. The tool requires the searcher to put in such information as the last name and first initial of the inmate being searched, as well as his or her gender, and his or her current status. 
The Arizona Department of Corrections inmate search will then provide the searcher with a number of hits that might be the inmate the searcher is looking for. Information provided by the Arizona Department of Corrections inmate search tool includes photos when available, physical information such as height, weight, eye color, and hair color, and information concerning the crimes which the inmate has committed which have led to his or her incarceration. The Arizona Department of Corrections inmate search tool also provides such detailed information as records of parole appeals and disciplinary appeals, as well as a full record of the individual’s activities in work programs and the like.
For those searching for information on an inmate in a specific county of Arizona, then using that county’s inmate search tool may be a better option than using the Arizona Department of Corrections inmate search tool. For example, for those searching for information on Maricopa County inmates, looking at the tools on the sheriff’s department website for Maricopa County might be helpful. Maricopa County inmates are displayed on the website in terms of mug shots, as opposed to having all the detailed information mentioned above, however. A searcher may look for particular mug shots of Maricopa County inmates using the names of those Maricopa County inmates, or by searching based on a particular crime.